
Spiral Jetty Adventure

One of my 2018 goals is to go on an outdoor adventure each week. To be fair, the arrival of baby might screw my resolution up royally, but that’s okay. For now I’m trying my best to get out and document my little excursions, regardless of how the rest of 2018 goes down!

This last weekend we visited Spiral Jetty, a land art creation that has existed on the shore of the Great Salt Lake for more than 30 years. It’s about two hours outside of Salt Lake City, and the Golden Spike National Historic Site is right on the way so we made a brief stop there before completing the drive. I realized that this is baby’s first visit to a national historic site–she’s been to a national park before (Denali in Alaska), but this was a new kind of adventure. I can’t wait until she’s able to see all of these neat places with her own eyes! 


After checking out the railroad we still had 17 or so miles left to reach Spiral Jetty. The paved road abruptly gave way to a gravel path that clearly gets more traffic from cows than humans. 

When we arrived at Spiral Jetty I was surprised by its size. Although the people in the photo make the jetty look large, it was actually quite puny! Still cool to see, though. 

You know those times when you’d rather show than tell? I’m in show mode tonight, so enjoy some more pics from the trip!

Enjoying spring weather in winter!

Love my handsome Tay!

Our Spiral Jetty trip was a great adventure with great friends, as always!

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