Lifestyle Uncategorized

My Favorite Indoor Hobby Ideas For Winter

It’s January, the armpit of winter. I won’t sugarcoat things…this time of the year is the toughest for me! My mental health tends to dip during these cold, gloomy days, and with the holidays in the rearview mirror and 2021 goals at the forefront of my mind, there’s only hard work ahead. However, January is …

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The Benefits of a Social Media Diet

For the last few months I’ve tried to limit my social media usage hard core. I went from spending 2-3 hours a day on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest to spending less than 30 minutes a day on social media. In general, using social media often isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s a wonderful thing! …

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(Overdue) Life Update

Hello friends! It’s been forever since I’ve posted, but I kinda figure that this blog has a sparse following, so….haha. Maybe that’s not the best attitude to have when it comes to blogging 😉 But there have been some big changes in my life lately, so I figured I ought to update those who do …

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My Pregnancy Story (So Far)

July 13, 2017 I woke up this morning with a knot in my stomach. My period was a full five days late, and for someone whose cycles normally run like clockwork, I was starting to suspect that something was off. I’d promised myself that I’d take a pregnancy test on this particular day if “Aunt …

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