utah ultimate adventure

The Ultimate Utah Summer Adventure Calendar [Part One]

The options for fun summer activities in Utah are nearly endless. For awhile I’ve wanted to write a post about epic Utah adventures for every weekend of the summer, but it putting it together has been challenging. Summer 2019 only has 14 weekends–you’d need hundreds of weekends to experience everything that Utah has to offer! …

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Thoughts On... Uncategorized

Why Can’t You See Yourself the Way Others See You: Musings on Self-Perception

Disclaimer: I’m not a psychologist, mental health professional, or self-help expert. I write about psychology/wellness topics because they interest me and am in no way qualified to speak about these subjects professionally. Please do not take my posts as medical advice. Seek out a licensed professional to diagnose/treat any mental or emotional health conditions.  I felt …

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Birth Story: Dawson Tian-Ming Chiu

I feel like one lucky mama as I sit down to write the birth story of my second child (and first son), Dawson! This sweet boy joined our family on June 18, 2021, at 1:44 AM. Fun fact: my first, Lilah, was also born at 1:44 AM. However, my experience with Dawson was quite different. …

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Creating a Meaningful Life Each Day

We recently watched the movie Groundhog Day. In the 1993 comedy, a weatherman gets trapped in an endless cycle of reliving February 2nd – and he’s the only person who realizes what’s going on. While Bill Murray’s character can fill each iteration of the Groundhog holiday with different events, interactions, and activities, he struggles with …

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